About Me

I am a seasoned leader in area of Software Development Lifecycle and Project management, with 15+ years of IT experience in areas of Retail, Banking, Digital TV, Security systems and Mobile and Games.I worked for companies such as Samsung, Euronet Worldwide and Carrefour, which differed not only in the industry but also in the way IT was run.

Challenges and difficult projects and tasks that must be performed despite unfavorable circumstances are always close to me for inexplicable reasons. From the other hand, the teams I lead are able to develop and implement solutions that are often unique on the market.

I managed to experience problems and profits resulting from the use of: Agile, Waterfall, robotization, automation, AI, IT solution providers, certification of solutions in various organizations, and how much depends on the process, method and techniques of software production and implementation.

I had the opportunity to work in different organizational structures with matrix characteristics, in a software house, startup and remotely leading teams consisting of members from different countries, and thus culturally different: including Amaericans, Germans, French, Polish, Chroatians, Hungians, Indins and Koreans. In each case, the most important sucess factor was real teamwork achieved through individual approach to each team member.

I make mistakes, I learn from them. I get up and move on.

I strongly believe that experience and commitment on the part of the Leader may become a factor enabling key innovations that will allow the company to increase its competitive advantage on the market. 

When the effective leader is finished with his work, the people say it happened naturally." -- Lao Tzu

You can find more about me on  or just write: mariusz.ziel@gmail.com